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Bolstered by Television dream-makers, our culture today is continually attempting to replace the Ten Commandments with the secular cultural norm, "the Seven Selfish Standards." Christians must continue to resist this. ✞
"Look after number one."
"The name of the game is Party!"
"Grab all you can, when you can."
"Fleece the suckers, for there's one born every minute."
"Don't get angry. Get even!" or "Get angry and get even!"
"Say what you need to get what you want!"
"Religion is for nerds." ✞
The media champions our culture's seven selfish standards. Television, radio, and cinema can be excellent teaching mediums, but TV often opposes Christianity, promoting its atheistic agenda. Television slithers quietly around the back and destroys its adherent's moral standards and beliefs. It would prefer to do this than challenge Christians to debate the issues. Incredibly, some things that TV presents as promising the highest satisfaction inflict the most pain! Sleekly packaged beers and wines are offered as the route to a good time and sexual freedom but cause immense damage to marital, work, and family relations. ✞
Television's sexual standards and the internet's negative influence and low morals degrade our culture with transmitted sexual disease spread. One in ten adults suffers from alcoholism, yet drunken driving still slays thousands each year. A new norm has now entered society with legalizing marijuana in Canada and some American states. British experts warn that 20% of new marijuana users turn to hard drugs. We have yet to see the prospect of high drug users in control of vehicles on our roads, especially with the effects of some addictive substances lasting for weeks. Toronto Police are now instructing their officers to stay away from work for 22 days after using marijuana for safety reasons. ✞
Meanwhile, television soap operas model rampant sexual immorality and low moral standards. Viewers sit on their couches with the painful even terminal consequences of a frightening array of sexually transmitted diseases. Society's smutty agenda is submerging the good offered by this excellent technological tool. ✞
Television's low standards wash over into society from some TV programs. "Being hungry," it suggests, "is a just cause to steal in certain circumstances." "If you say you love someone," another says, "it is only natural to become sexually active with them." They sanctimoniously tell Christians who protest these twisted principles, "Isn't your God a God of love! Why do you criticize love? Judge not, that God will not judge you! Why do you show such hatred to others? You are just hateful people!" Unfortunately, no standards are becoming the norm in our promiscuous society. ✞
In our culture, things are getting worse as the crime and suicide rates increase! Television, the internet, and smartphones have fractured family life, turning family circles into family semicircles and fantasy-driven solitaries. We no longer have family circles where parents and children talk, share, and experience life together. Instead, we have family semicircles gathered around a TV set! The Canadian sociologist, Dr. Reginald Bibby, writes in "Teen Trends," "If the pulpit was the place of proclamation about right and wrong in the past, the television screen is now the norm-creator in the modern world." This trend has degenerated further with the advent of social media into a series of fantasy-driven solitaries draped over cell phones! Societal moral standards now come from television, cell phones, and the internet! ✞
Popular television programs and social networking decide our young people's morals more than any church or preacher. Uncensored internet and social media further undermine these standards. Just about anyone can go online and read how to put together a bomb, purchase, or even make a firearm on a 3D printer or view pornographic acts. We saw families glued to computer screens of one size or another. Meanwhile, parents complain of losing control. While they support individual rights and freedoms, modern television ridicules the relevance of institutional standards, including the government, the police, the church, the clergy, and particularly the Bible. The Press often portrays ministers as bumbling idiots or crazed Bible-thumping fundamentalists. Clergy may well have as much or even more training than doctors or engineers. However, they are still viewed as gullible fools even though many of the developments and inventions in our society come from Christian concern for justice, individuals' wellbeing, and the search for scientific truth. ✞
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