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Someone has said that the shortest distance between two people is a smile. Laughter is internal jogging. It changes the physiology of the cell. You increase antibodies, relax muscles, reduce blood pressure, release immune boosters, and improve ventilation. Laughter is the physical reaction consisting typically of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to external or internal stimuli. Being tickled and humorous stories create laughter. Nurture your laughter and sense of humor.✞
When is a Christian like a wheelbarrow?
When he won't move and needs to be pushed!✞
When is a Christian like a bicycle?
When she's being steered in the Lord's direction!✞
When is a Christian like a wristwatch?
When she's timely and her hands are busy working!✞
When is a Christian like a balloon?
When he's so full of his importance that he's ready to pop!✞
"The Toolbox for [Busy] Pastors" adds. "Your emotional well-being is at the base of the way you approach life on a day-to-day basis. It is a filter and safety net. It can give you the stability to function whatever the situation. Work on it, share it, give it a chance."✞
These clean Christian jokes will give you a smile and something funny to share with a home meeting group, a Sunday School class or even in a sermon. Christians are encouraged to be cheerful despite all that is going on around them. Proverbs 15.15 reads, "All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast." Later Proverbs 17.22 adds, "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Smile and be happy for a cheerful heart is like a continual feast and good medicine! You may ask "How does Moses make his coffee?" The answer is "Hebrews it." Or again "Who was the greatest comedian in the Bible?" The answer is "Samson. He brought the house down".✞
Here's a thought. When is a Christian like a postage stamp?
When he sticks where he's put and goes where he's sent!✞
When is a Christian like a gold ring?
When she's bought with a price and shines all over!✞
When is a Christian like the moon?
When she reflects the light from the Son!✞
When is a Christian like a coin?
When he realizes his value and bears the image of his sovereign!✞
When is a Christian like a radio?
When he's tuned in and makes sweet music for God.✞
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