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The Sunday school survey begins with the question, "Why do you want to teach Sunday School?" It may sound simple enough, but it brings to light the underlying motives for wanting to teach Sunday school children using a series of valid, false, or maybe answers. As a teacher gains experience, the reasons one leads may change. Therefore, the survey is a handy gauge of capability and development for the teachers as they mature. A teachers' discussion group may use the answers later.✞
The leader should distribute copies of the survey to every group member to complete individually before sharing their answers. To share is to discover teamwork, one of the great secrets of successful work. The word "share" is from the Old English "scearu," meaning "division." It is also related to the Dutch word "schare" and the German word "Schar," meaning "troop or multitude." The English "shear" dates from the late 16th century and gives us the phrase "share." To share is to be part of a team and contribute your concerns, joys, and experiences with others. It will mean encouraging, worshipping together, and participating in common goals. Let Sunday School teaching not be a cold burdensome task, but a joy-filled adventure and challenge as part of a team.✞
Fellowship among teachers is an essential part of our ministry together. It is also a task for the evangelist, not just transferring knowledge with others or a well-meaning piece of social action. Teachers need to participate with their experience of the risen Christ in a significant and personal way. This relationship between Christian teachers and their Sunday school children may be one that profoundly affects the child for the rest of his or her life!✞
Why teach Sunday School today? Even though different churches have various ideas, I believe this Sunday School Survey to be one of the best ways for your congregation to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus. In Matthew 28.19-20, Jesus gives us a clear and concise teaching goal, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."✞
This Sunday school survey can help prospective teachers decide whether this particular and vital ministry is for them. Please mark either TRUE, FALSE, or MAYBE for each statement below. There are no right or wrong answers, but each question seeks to bring forth new ideas.✞
I teach Sunday school because I want
1. To teach children about God ..................................................................✞
2. To impart knowledge of Bible stories..............................................................✞
3. To keep children off the street...............................................................✞
4. To share the Good News ..............................................................✞
There are two sides to this question; the Christian's calling to ministry and the Church's development and growth.✞
I teach Sunday school because I want
5. To encourage parents through their children to come to Church ...........................................................✞
6. To bring them to confirmation or adult baptism ...........................................................✞
7. Because I feel its right .................................................................✞
8. To keep the Church going ...............................................................✞
9. To get them to know Jesus as their own Savior ....................................................✞
10. To help them to grow into mature Christians ......................................................✞
Here is a prayer called "The Teacher" by Leslie Pinckney Hill (1880-1960) from "The Book of American Negro Poetry" of 1922. You can use this prayer as you prepare to lead your Sunday School class.
Lord, who am I to teach the way
To little children day by day,
So prone myself to go astray?
I teach them knowledge, but I know
how faint they flicker and how low
the candles of my knowledge glow.
I teach them the power to will and do,
but only now to learn anew,
my great weakness through and through.
I teach them a love for all humankind
and all God's creatures, but I find
my love comes lagging far behind.
Lord, if their guide I still must be,
Oh, let the little children see the teacher
leaning hard on Thee. Amen.✞
Here is part of another poem, author unknown, for you to use.
Lord. Let me be just what they need.
If they need someone to trust,
let me be trustworthy.
If they need sympathy, let me sympathize.
If they need love, and they do need love, let me love in full measure.
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