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The church school child video describes children's development in Sunday School and how they can help each form a fully rounded personality. This video is 3 minutes and 20 seconds long. You can view the complete Tellout Online training videos on YouTube.✞
This Tellout church school reaction video explains how children respond to a teacher's influence. There are several different sides to every child. We can see that if we adapt and are aware of how our children react to us, we will seek to meet their particular needs. Here are some characteristics that we might find in our children. Children are generally meek though it is hard to see when we have many kids running around making a lot of noise. In this video, we look together at the child's reaction. Children do, however, tend to give way to the adult as an authority figure. Secondly, our children are unquestioning. Thirdly, children think tangibly. Adults can think in abstract terms, whereas children think in concrete terms. For example, if we talk about Jesus saying, "I am the door," we need to explain it. A door to a child is a piece of wood that fits into a hole in the wall. Fourthly, children are sensitive. Be aware that when we speak, what we say to them may affect them profoundly. Fifthly, children develop steadily. You may imagine a spiral staircase, for example, where children come round at each level and ask us a question to give them an answer. This video is part of a series on effective Sunday schools and is 3 minutes and 15 seconds long.✞
The Sunday school teacher influence video shows how a caring adult can profoundly influence children in their class for good.✞
The Church School relationship video which is 2 minutes and 52 seconds long shows how to appeal to the child and build a strong friendship and bond with them. This video.✞
Jesus' word teaching to his disciples, the people, and the Temple officials comes from the Jewish Old Testament as God's inspired word. Jesus' word teaching often included quotes directly from the Scriptures. He used Isaiah's words from Isaiah 61.1 when he said of himself, "The Sovereign Lord has filled me with his spirit. He has chosen me and sent me to bring good news to the poor." Teachers today, whether in the Sunday school, from the pulpit, in the classroom, or during a counseling session, have the completed Word of God, the Bible, and we should generously employ Jesus' words to apply spiritual truths. In so doing, the Holy Spirit will take the printed, divinely inspired word and fill it with power in the heart and mind of the hearer. We should note here that the Word of God, the Scriptures, and the Law are all God-breathed and inspired by God. We cannot selectively receive some passages or verses but not accept others. God inspires all scriptures like 2 Timothy 3.16-17 says, "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work." Note that the direct result of belief in the whole of the Bible as inspired is that every Christian will be "thoroughly equipped for every good work." How sad that so many Christians pick only Bible portions that fit in with their theology. They lose out tremendously because of it and are not made ready by God for their ministry.✞
Saint Augustine (354-430), a dominant Christian teacher in Roman North Africa, once wrote, "Miracles are not as pictures, merely to look at and admire, but as a letter which we must seek to read and understand." Similarly, the Bible story of the healing of blind Bartimaeus concludes with Jesus' particular teaching. Jesus said to Bartimaeus, "Then see! Your faith has made you well." At once, Bartimaeus was able to see and follow Jesus, giving thanks to God. Jesus' words here embodied his spiritual power. The Word of God embodies spiritual power and does the same for Christians today!✞
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