Lord's Ministries Myanmar
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2. The Lord's Ministries Myanmar

Salem Baptist Church

Ancient BuildingsThe Rev. Cung Hup, the Church Pastor of the Salem Baptist Church in Myanmar, writes, "Warmest greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ from the Lord's Ministries in Myanmar at Salem Baptist Church. Myanmar was formerly called Burma but is now a sovereign state in South East Asia bordered by Bangladesh, India, China, Laos, and Thailand. It has 54 million, with 87% Buddhist, 4.3% Islam, and 6.2% Christian. My name is Rev. Hup, serving the Lord as Senior Pastor of Salem Baptist Church for 16 years and three years as Associate General Secretary in Chin Baptist Association. May the Lord richly bless you and your ministries around the world."

Southeast Asia

Buddhist Monks Praying"The gracious Lord has called me to Myanmar ministry to serve and to seek those lost and weak in Spirit. My heart and my spirit overflow to serve the Lord in evangelism and mission. There is a great need in our country, especially for the unreached people of our area and surroundings. Most are unbelievers and unreached people. The religion of our country is Buddhism. It was brought to Burma by Gautama Buddha, meaning "the awakened one" from Northern India in the 5th century BC.

Sunset Over Bagan

Yangon TempleThe Rev. Cung Hup, the Church Pastor of the Salem Baptist Church in Myanmar (formerly Burma), wrote, "Lord Jesus greatly commands us to preach the gospel and make believers disciples through the Myanmar Ministries Resources. I am eagerly planning and praying to the Lord to establish and extend our ministries by establishing a missionary training school in our country."

Missionary Training School

Sunset over Bagan"Therefore, we need you and your ministries as a resource for our partners and fellow workers in Burma. Kindly accept this as the Macedonia voice from Myanmar in the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord richly and abundantly bless you and your effective ministries. Your fellow-worker in Christ"

Ministry in Kenya

Family outside HouseThis email was received from Christian Fellowships in Kenya, "Many greetings to you from Church Ministries in the wonderful name of our Almighty Lord Above. It was so wonderful to know how you are working in the Canadian church. I am Pastor Naftal and oversee three congregations around the Kisii-Kenya Region, with a population of 300,000. It is the main commercial and urban center in Southern Kenya. We are a small fellowship church that has no affiliation with any other ministry. Our work in Kenya is to bring people to the Lord's kingdom and preach the Lord's will for his people."

Church Ministry

Kisii Street"We desire to be part of your ministry, and in one accord, train us to lead the church in Kenya. We also need to receive your resources, training, and ministry for the church. We will be honored and blessed to be part of your ministry in the church in Canada. We have 20 impoverished children who need your prayers. We ask you to pray for them always."

"The Lord's Ministries Myanmar"
by Ron Meacock © 2021

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