Love Jesus Christ
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2. Love Jesus Christ

Two Gold CoinsYou can live the best life possible in God and experience eternal life now in Jesus Christ if you wish. God proved and demonstrated his love for us, according to John 3.16, because "God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." But how did Jesus Christ's death prove God's love to us? How did it remove the barrier of sin between God and us? God's character is like a coin with two sides: justice and love. His justice rightly condemns humans, for sin must be punished. His love makes him long for people to become his friend again. On the Cross, his justice and his love were entirely satisfied. Sin had to be punished, so God, in His love, sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to die in our place, bearing the death penalty our sins deserved.

Sin Taken By Jesus

Carved Wooden CrossThat is why he cried from the cross, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus took the full punishment for our sins. As one man once put it, "He carried the can for everybody." Jesus suffered the agony of being cut off by his father for us. Just before he died, Jesus said, "It is finished!"

Live the Best Life

Empty tombCome Jesus Christ is the call of a person for a new life by believing in the one who is himself the door to eternity. When Jesus died on the Cross and said, "It is finished," this was not a cry of defeat, a sort of "I've had it!" No, it was a cry of victory, "I've done it! He has paid the debt of sin." The way back to God is now open. He is finished His work of saving you from hell and eternal destruction. He has blasted away the barrier of sin. Jesus died for us, his body placed in the tomb, and a massive stone pushed across the entrance. But he rose from the grave, and today he is alive. He won the victory over sin and death. The way to God is now wide open, and you can live the best life possible in Jesus.

Easy Going Existence?

JesusDo you want to live an easy-going, "do-as-you-like" existence? Then don't read any further. Carry on just as you are, and don't bother about Christ. But remember that one day you will realize too late that you have missed the opportunity to live the very best life possible, instead of wasting your life and ruining your soul. To live without Christ is to die without him. To die without him is to spend eternity without him.

Too Late?

Roadway curving aheadBut if you want to live the transformed life and one that satisfies, that has purpose and meaning, a life that demands the very best in you and, above all, an experience that is pleasing to God, this is what God requires of you. Forgiveness and eternal life are not automatic. You have a part to play.


Creation StarsThat you have sinned in the sight of God, be genuinely sorry for your sin. Hate it and be willing to turn from every thought, word, action, and habit that you know to be wrong.


Jesus died on the cross bearing all the guilt and penalty of your sin.


BabyJesus never promised it would be easy to follow him. Expect opposition, sneers, and misunderstanding. Every part of your life, work, friendships, time, money, must all come under his control.

COME into my life, Jesus Christ, to be my Lord to control me. To be my Savior to cleanse me, my Friend to guide and be with me.

Jesus Door to Life

Holman Hunt's JesusJesus is the door to life, and the only way to renewal and fulfillment. The handle to the door of life is on your side. So many people miss this last step of commitment and thus never come to know Jesus Christ and the fulfilled life that he brings.

Jesus Knocks

Perhaps no verse in the Bible makes this last step clearer than Revelation 3.20, where Jesus says, "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."

Door to Life

Jesus Christ waits outside the door to your life. He will not force his way. He wants to be asked.

Holy BibleIn Holman Hunt's famous painting, "The Light of the World," it has been pointed out that there is no handle shown on the door. Holman Hunt, however, deliberately placed the handle out of view on the inside, where only you can open it. You become a true Christian when you open the door to life and let Jesus come in and live in your heart.

Final Step

Have you ever taken this step? Perhaps you had never realized before that there was anything for you to do. You can be baptized, confirmed, go to church, even read the Bible and pray, and still leave Jesus Christ outside the door to your life and therefore miss all the blessings that he has in store for you.

"Love Jesus Christ"
by N. L. Warren permission
Kingsway © 1998-2021

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